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研究 The Online Platform Economy in 27 Metro Areas

The Experience of Drivers and Lessors

越来越多的家庭通过在线平台经济获得收入. In recent 澳博官方网站app 研究所 research, 我们利用行政银行记录来跟踪在线平台经济中的供给侧参与和收入, and observed strong secular trends in two sectors between 2013 and 2018:

  • 交通平台的参与率——以我们的样本在任何给定月份通过交通平台产生收入的比例来衡量——增加了20倍以上, while average monthly revenues declined by half.
  • Participation on leasing platforms tripled while average monthly revenues doubled.

We also reported large differences in participation rates across metropolitan areas.

In this follow-up research, we use geographic and temporal variation to explore these dynamics in more detail, 以便更好地了解在线平台经济的运输和租赁部门作为参与者家庭潜在收入来源的可行性. 为了回答四个问题,我们在27个大都市地区探索了五年来在线平台经济特征的变化.

  • 考虑到平台参与的地理差异,不同城市地区的收益是如何变化的?
  • What are local correlates of platform participation and revenues, which may point to factors accounting for the cross-area variation we see?
  • 样本范围内参与和收入的长期趋势说明了当地大都市地区的趋势——它们是否反映了少数大都市地区的变化, or do they tell a story that is consistent across metro areas?
  • How do revenue prospects and participation rates interact—for example, 交通行业参与度的增加是否造成了司机平均月收入的下降?

In answering these questions, we focus on transportation and leasing sectors of the Online Platform Economy, as they are most influenced by local supply and demand conditions, 与非运输工作和销售(我们之前报道过的另外两个部门)相比.

Our findings imply that there is still room for supply-side growth in both sectors. However, they have implications for would-be full time drivers. 综上所述, 我们的研究结果提出了一个重要的问题,即如何选择政策来改善在线平台经济中现有和潜在参与者的收入前景. Our findings are as follows.

找到一个: 就参与率而言,各大城市之间存在显著差异, average monthly revenues, 在线平台经济的租赁和运输部门的参与水平. 参与率和收入呈正相关,但这种模式也有明显的例外.

发现二: 随着网络平台经济的兴起,现有产业规模较大的大都市地区,相应平台行业的参与度和平均收入也更高.

发现三: In almost every metro area, 2013年至2018年间,司机的平均月收入下降,出租人的平均月收入上升, fully accounting for the secular trends in driver and lessor revenues, even as participation shares shifted across metro areas.

发现四: In both sectors but especially in transportation, 在平均收入增长最快的月份和地区,参与人数往往增长最快.

发现五: 司机月平均收入的下降至少有45%——可能更多——是由于司机在一个月内更偶尔地参加比赛. In the leasing sector, more frequent participation accounted for more than half of the rise in revenues.



自2013年以来, 在供方参与率和支付给供应商的总收入方面,在线平台经济的运输和租赁部门有了显著增长. 我们的研究结果表明,在线平台经济的运输和租赁行业仍有供给侧增长的空间. 此外, 我们的研究结果提出了一个问题,即在努力改善在线平台经济参与者收入前景的过程中,限制参与的政策的潜在有效性. As occasional engagement becomes more common in the transportation sector, 重要的政策问题出现在应该或可以为准全职司机做些什么. In metro areas with large potential markets for transportation and leasing services, 在线平台经济的这些部门是寻求创收的家庭的有力选择, 尽管随着在线平台经济的成熟,它们所提供的机会几乎肯定会发生变化. 



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